1/14/24 專輯發表會 @ 大河岸

Michael Wang Quartet 由長號手 Michael Wang 領軍,與華人爵士圈頂尖爵士樂手 - 黃子瑜、許郁瑛、劉育嘉等人共同錄製的全新專輯。《My Influences | 台灣印象》訴說著 Michael Wang 回台灣後疫情這三年間的印象,充滿了對這塊土地的情感以及周遭人事物的感動。這張專輯同時也是他以長號創作的再次嘗試,進一步挖掘長號演奏的可能性。與傳統爵士樂不同,《My Influences | 台灣印象》是一場前衛的音樂冒險,透過複雜的拍子、不規則的結構和出奇不意的和聲,追求著聽覺上的平衡,期望帶給樂迷一場既新奇又熟悉的音樂之旅。

《My Influences》專輯發表會
2024年1月14日@ 河岸留言西門紅樓展演館

想要親臨感受 Michael Wang Quartet 的現場魅力,那千萬別錯過了這場發表會,除了現場將帶來樂手間最原真實毫無保留的對話,還有發表會限定的「雙CD限量珍藏版」,比通路版本還多收錄了一張今年五月,我們在台北最老牌的爵士酒吧 - Blue Note Taipei 所錄製的現場 Live 專輯!這是我們想送給最初支持我們的樂迷們最誠摯的禮物!

預售票: 650 現場票: 800 專輯套票: 1150|14:00 演出開始




  • 要說疫情期間遇到最大的驚喜,那應該就是 Michael Wang 了。其實不瞞各位,我音樂的進化之道就是不斷地與厲害的音樂人合作,Michael Wang 的出現完美提供了我過去疫情期間這三年源源不斷的音樂靈感,也讓我的品味不斷地成長與進化。


    My Influences 這張專輯收錄了 Michael Wang 在最近這三年之間所譜寫的作品,某層面上就像是他在台灣生活的日記,以及跟我們這群人一起玩音樂的靈感堆疊。專輯將收錄10首作品,採取同步錄音的方式,在台灣知名錄音室『玉成戲院』錄製,整張專輯將由我擔任製作人,並交由台灣爵士錄音第一把交椅的 Jason Huang (黃志煜) 來操刀錄音與混音後製。

    許郁瑛 - 大概是台灣有史以來最具影響力的爵士鋼琴家 - 將負責本張專輯的鋼琴部分,而低音提琴則交由劉育嘉負責,所有作品會以四重奏的形式來與大家見面。我們目前計畫於六月份進錄音室錄製所有曲目,專輯預計會在夏天的尾巴全數製作完畢。

    假如你對專輯有興趣,或是支持我們的作品,我們專輯現正開放預購,為了回饋預購的各位,預購限定版將會多收錄現場 live 版本的作品,以答謝一開始就支持我們的各位!

  • Three years ago in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to move to Taiwan to start my life anew. Previously I lived in New York in order to pursue a career of being a jazz musician, so upon my arrival in Taiwan, it left me wondering whether or not I could continue to follow my dream? Fortunately, after many performances with different local bands during these three years, I came across three incredible musicians who would become my musical partners-in-crime: Yuying Hsu on piano, Yujia Liu on bass and Fish Huang on drums. To be able to perform with them on a regular basis was a blessing, for not only do they have amazing individual improvisation and accompaniment skills, but their ability to listen and interact with each other on the stage helped to spark my own compositional creativity as well. Through the inspiration of the quartet’s collective sound, 10 new compositions were born, each with their own story. And now, the time has come for us to document these works from the past 3 years. This coming June, we will go to Yucheng Recording Studio to record my second album, called “My Influences.” I am very grateful this time around to invite my good friend Fish to produce this album on top of being our drummer, as well as Jason Huang who will be our studio engineer and mixing/mastering engineer. Both of them are at the top of the Taiwanese music industry for what they do!

    This album, consisting of 10 original compositions in the modern jazz style, is expected to finish recording and be fully-produced by the end of the summer. If you are interested, please make sure to pre-order! We will include limited edition live performance tracks to thank everyone who supported us from the beginning!
